Friday, March 02, 2007

Diary of a broken elbow - part four

So, Monday, I'm in the hospital, its the day I decide to go home (I was given the decision of which day to go home, see below) and I started my period.. . .and, what do you know, the hopsital doesn't have tampons or pads, just these genormous pads they give women that have just had babies. . .yah, huge! I won't say what I texted my friends but it was pretty funny.

I was given the option of going home either on Monday or Tuesday and if I was able to go home on Monday then I could go home whenever I got a ride to the hospital. Two of my coworkers came to pick me up once I got all my prescriptions and what I needed to do at home. Oh, it was so good to get home, but the best part was when I went outside and smelt fresh air for the first time in six days!!! So awesome! Seriously, I was in heaven.

As soon as I got home, my coworker ran over to IGA to pick up some groceries for me while another coworker stayed with me while I was trying to figure out where to get my prescriptions. After she came back, we went to London Drugs to get my morphine. I'm sitting there dressed like a crazy person, my pain killers were wearing off, my cramps were bad, my allergies were giving me a headache and my cramps from my period were hugely bad! lol, it actually made me laugh!

I get home, pass out on my couch for a while (while cuddling my cats. . .they were happy I was home!)

Tuesday I decide to have a bath. I probably should have thought about how to get out of the bathtub. I had a bath because I wanted to wash my hair (it was getting gross) and as stuck there for about 10 minutes trying to figure out how to get out! Was hilarious!

OK, I had a very bad day today so I'm drinking a really strong vodka and cranberry. I'll post more tomorrow.

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