Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Clouds and mountains

I know, how many pictures of clouds and mountains can one person take? Well, since it's me, a hell of a lot! These pictures were taken thoughout the day from my workplace and then the ones at the bottom were taken just as I was leaving work (about 4:30pm). Of course the pink doesn't look as good on the digital camera as it did while I was looking at it, but I'm going to take lessons soon to hopefully correct that!

Green stuff's growing in Vancouver!

These flowers kill me when they start growing! Which is probably why I've been having so many headaches right now! And, they stink. . blah! However, it is nice to see flowers growing now. There's a cherry tree on Pender Street that's blooming already! I'll go out and take pictures once it stops raining! (yes, it's still raining, we had sun yesterday, however, one day out of 40 doesn't really count!)

Sigh, look at the pretty flowers! The tulips and other tubular flowers are starting to spring up now! Give it another month and I'll have so many "early spring" pictures on here that'll it make everyone outside of Vancouver jealous!

Sinclair Centre

This is Sinclair Centre as seen from my volunteer job downtown. This is another building that I just love!

A close up of the building. I'm taking this through the windows of my volunteer job office. I had no idea that there was even a crest on the building until I did the zoom!

The Girl who didn't know who ABBA was!!!!

And another coworker at my staff party (really our christmas party held in just a couple of weeks ago). Yes, seriously, she had no idea, and I was told that her younger sister was even shocked as well! (just incase you were wondering, she's the one in the black)
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