Saturday, March 24, 2007


So, it's Saturday night, I'm feeling icky (sickness seems to be flying around my work place, hopefully I'm not sick like they are!). I have to admit I'm feeling a little out of sorts. . .I feel like I'm drifting away from some friends, making new ones, and the ones that are nearest to my hearts are still there and supporting me. I guess it's the ones that I thought were my friends that I'm having some issues with, but I really shouldn't be. I have great friends. . .friends that if I called them right now needing something, they would be there for me, and they know they could ask the same of me. Maybe it's because the fairweather friends I've been friends with for a while.

I could also be sad about the fact that my cat died recently and I'm feeling some guilt about that as well. I switched to the foil cat food as I had broken my elbow and it was hard to open cans of food (pull off or with a can opener). Then I find out three weeks after Spazzy died that there might have been rat poison in the cat food? WTF? I was to take Monster in for a check up in a month but he's going in earlier. He appears fine, but then, so did Spazz. The thing that gets me about Spazzy is that he was fine, and then it was like overnight he was sick. So many of my friends expressed shock when I told them that Spazz was sick. It was like we would be around forever. Yes, he was 17 when he died. . .however, how an I be sure that the renal failure was actually renal failure and not the rat poison making it look that way? I have no proof other than the fact that it was easier for me to open foil packages for a few weeks while my arm was healing.

On the plus side I have Monster at home with his bitchy meow when he sits on my lap and I DARE to move. . .

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