Sunday, December 11, 2005

Walking around my neighbourhood

Yah, OK, this is a weird picture (above), I don't know what I did to make it turn out this way, but I sort of think It's cool.

(above) This is the fountain in the new building across the street from me.

(Below) These following pictures are the churches a couple of blocks up the street from me. The first group of pictures is the United Church.

(below) This group of pictures is the Baptist Church.

(below) This picgture I took because I really liked the entrance. It's the YMCA on Burrard Street.

(below)The entrance to the new Paramount Theatre downtown on Burrard. Love this theatre! It's totally awesome!

(below) Another building across the street.

(below) Back home

1 comment:

cristina said...

Isn't it funny how things seem so incredibly different with a camera?! Awesome!

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