Tuesday, January 10, 2006

It's still raining

Not that I hate the rain or anything, however, it's hard to hold an umbrella and use a camera at the same time. I've done it before, but when the rainis coming down like a sheet (it was raining so hard this morning it woke me up!) I don't really want to ruin the new digitial camera! We are on day 23 going today of rain, day 24 of rain tomorrow. If it continues to rain until Monday, then we will break a record that was set back in the 50's for the most consecutive days in a row of rain! And it's not just a little rain, it's a LOT of rain! lol. I'll be back out as soon as it stops!!! Until then, enjoy these pictures of cats (tee hee)

(below) My friend Diana's cat Simba. The minute the camera came out, he started posing!

(below) who likes to play with the flashlight!

(below) I almost freaked out when I saw this picture of Simba! He looks like he's smiling!

(below) OK so this one is sort of demony looking, but, it's one of my babies!! (Spazz)

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