So Sunday, I saw three movies, The Last King of Scotland, Requiem and Fido. I have to say, all three were great movies, however, the first two were pretty heavy.
The Last King of Scotland was brilliant. I really enjoyed the way Forest Whitaker played General Idi Amin. I know that sounds like a bizarre statement, but I didn't know a lot of the background of Idi Amin until I saw the movie. Forest Whitaker plays the general very likable and charming, it's later in the movie that you see the real side of him (the last half hour of the movie my body was completely tense and I couldn't move for a full five minutes after the movie finished. I would fully recommend the movie to anyone. All the actors were great to watch and it was nice to see Gillian Anderson again acting in a movie (or at least, if she was in a movie in the last little while, I didn't see it).
My next movie was Requiem from Germany. It's based on true facts about a girl who suffers from epilesy, wants to go to school (university), and starts a relationship. Her attacks get worse and worse, and she feels that demons are attacking her. It was pretty heavy to watch, and of course, I had just seen The Last King of Scotland so I was already mushy in the brain. Again, even though this movie was very hard to watch at parts, I would still recommend this to people to see. However, prepare yourself first!
My last movie I saw was Fido. Oh my god! This was funny! So, the movie is about zombies who are used as servants (I won't explain how there are zombies or how they get them to be servants, the movie does a very good job of explaining it). Billy Connolly plays an amazing zombie and you won't believe it's him (the director was at the movie and explained in the Q&A that everytime he yelled CUT, Billy Connelly would talk non-stop as his lines were urg, grrr, urk, etc). If ever you wanted to see a funny zombie, it would be Billy Connelly. Carrie-Anne Moss is the mother. I actually liked her better here than in the Matrix. I know it's two entirely different movies, but, if you can watch Fido, you will completely understand what I mean. The father was played by Dylan Baker (who's actually afraid of zombies). Everyone in the movie was great and I can't recommend it enough! GO SEE IT!