The mountains were so pretty yesterday! As soon as the sun was on them full yesterday morning, WOW! I wish I could have gotten a nice picture while the sun was setting but there would have been glass reflection on the pictures (I took these from work) and it wouldn't have been as nice. But these are awesome!
And, we are expecting up to 20cm more snow today too! Woohoo!
I was taking some pictures on my way to work, then of course had to go out and play in the snow at lunchtime and took more pictures on the way home from work, yes, I might be a little obsessed but it doesn't snow that often in Vancouver, because, well, it usually rains A LOT out here, so snow is a novelity!
It's snowing in Vancouver and it's plus 15 in Toronto. . .is there something wrong with this picture? NOT WHERE I'M STANDING!! The snow is great :) I was going to go to bed but then I saw how much had fallen on the ground! Awesome!
I went to see the Rolling Stones last night, it was off the hook! My seats were a little high. Let's put it this way, if I stood on my chair I would have been able to touch the inflated roof! However, didn't matter, was great to be there. It was the last show of their Bigger Bang tour. The stage was incredible. All of a sudden part of the floor lifts and it goes down a conveyor belt towards the end of the floor seats and they sing probably three songs before moving back to the original stage. Very cool!! The show was sold out and the audience was LOUD! Loved it!!!