Saturday, September 02, 2006

Some of the rides at the PNE/Playland!

Was at the PNE and Playland last night (yes, again!) So much fun! Hooked up with a couple of friends who happened to be there too, went on a few rides, felt barfy by the end of it!

Who let these people on the Festival Stage?

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Backstage at the PNE

I was performing on the Festival Square Stage on Monday night (and then went and played on rides afterwards!) Behind the scenes. There was a funny point when we were trying to change and these boys (aged 8 to 11) were trying to stare in at the same time, lol. The security guard came and closed the flap so we could change in private!

Marina and Diane

Diane and Maki





Christie and Marina

Me and Marina

One the rides at Playland!

Yah, I was on the merry-go-round, what of it!

Stop the insanity!

Marina and Sean on the kid's roller coaster!

Ha ha ha, on the kid's roller coaster!


Pictures of some of the animals at the PNE! I was there for a performance on the Festival Square stage but wanted to get there early for mini-donuts. . .yummy!

This little calf was born two hours previous to when this photo was taken!

All the pretty clydesdales!

Apparently this little one was running around like crazy an hour previous. Guess he wore himself out!

I thought he looked really sad, or really bored!

Awwww, how cute!

Woohoo! Playland!

I would be the one laughing and Marina is the one gripping with all her might!
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