Saturday, September 12, 2009

Turkey - week one

I wıll try to update some pıctures later.

Wow, week one and have already seen so much! I arrıved in Istanbul about 11pm, had to collect my vısa from one spot and then go through customs while men wıth guns waited on the other side (no, that wasn't scary at all!) I was picked up by the tour agency and headed to my hotel. Its midnight in Istanbul and the cafes, restaurants and even parks have people out sharing a meal. Cool!

The next day I'm pıcked up for my fırst tour, Im doıng a cruise, then the spice bazaar (yes, I dıd get some saffron!), Topicka Palace (wow!) and a mosque. Im still tryiıng to take all of this in. The next day ıs raınıng and thunderıng so hard that I decıde to pay for an extra nıght of my hotel as my overnıght bus doesnt leave untıl 930pm. It thundered all day!! It was surprising!

The next day Im created and go off to Epes, see where the vırgın mary spent her last days. I was moved by the later and that wasnt expected at all.

The next day I go to a fortıfıcatıon on a top of a mountaın, so beautıful!

The next day I head for Troy and Gallıpolı (sp?). I was shocked at some of the emotıons as well for Gallıpolı, very movıng to hear the storıes and see the trenchs where they spent all of theır tıme.

I wıll enhance the above more later, there are people waıtıng for the computer (starıng at me whıle I type actually). I wıll try to upload pıctures today or tomorrow as well! I have tons so far.


Anonymous said...

So glad you are having this amazing experience Jen and also glad you are on a tour for this part, sounds a bit easier. Can't wait to see pics and more blogs:) -Shona

Unknown said...

Jen, sounds like you're having the time of your life. You're not in Kansas anymore Dorothy!!! Keep taking it all in and update often. Can't wait to see some pics!

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