Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Diary of a Boxing Day Addict, Part 2 - Urge to Kill....rising

So, I just got back in from round two, got lots of stuff, am now listening to the tunes I uploaded to the new iPod, and I'm so tired I'm going to bed to sleep for like five hours!!! Yes, urge to kill was rising, but I'm back at home now so it's all good. I'm pretty sure I scared a few people as it was really difficult for me to keep my mood from reflecting in my face. Whatever! I got some deals, a partial outfit for New Years and I'm back home, still alive! I didn't even spend all my money either, so I'm going to have to go shopping later this week, after the crowds have died down a little bit and I don't feel like killing anyone ;)

Diary of a Boxing Day Addict, number 1

So, I've been out and back again already. Was in Future Shop spending my gift cards from some of my friends (presents!!). I've been flip flopping for weeks now about which iPod to purchase. Finally decided on the new shuffle (so cute and tiny!) and I got the last one in the store, well, in the store for at least the moment. I think I scoped it from someone else too, opps ;)

Well, going to see how long it takes to charge the new iPod, upload some tunes and go out again. . .if it takes too long, just going out again. The stores start opening at 7am!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Stanley Park

I'm very sad to hear about all the damage to one of my favorite locations in Vancouver. I'm almost afraid to go to the Park. . .I don't want to see the damage.

Christmas Kitties!!!

The reason my dad put the tree up, so the cat could hang out at the top of it!

Spazz (not looking very happy with me)


Sunday, December 10, 2006

Sarita's Student Night

Marina and I went to Sarita's student night at Kalypso tonight. The performers were great! The girls dancing for their first time looked as if they were dancing for years! superb! The pictures aren't entirely great as I was sitting behind a bunch of people with big hair and had to use quiet a lot of zoom!! But, you guys will get the idea!

Inventive Music Video

This has got to be one of the most inventive music videos I've seen for a while!

ok go

Thursday, December 07, 2006

It's almost Christmas Time!!

Nat King Cole - Christmas Song
So, my friends are crazy. My friend from work Schaun decided to take this picture and put my cat until a jungle scene.......

......this is what he did. . .G.I. Spazz! (if you look closely, you can see a raft, men and tons of helicopters!!)

Mona's on December 6

I'm so sad! My batteries died just before the end of the second half of the dancing so I didn't get a ton of pictures. howeve,r some of these pictures are from Sean and Marina and I'm waiting for my friend Lynn to bring over her camera to download what she has (video too! woohoo!) Until then, enjoy!

Let the parties begin

Thursday, November 30, 2006

More mountain pictures!

So, I'm starting to get pissed off with the snow. . .however, the mountains are still really pretty to look at!

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